Digital Video: Tell me a story.
Digial Video is becoming the medium of choice for collecting
images and sound for multimedia. Video is also the media for
information about the world's news events, the latest from science
and technology, and from sports and medicine. It is a medium
for education. And with Director you can have absolute control
over it. Director is the authoring tool of choice for creating
interfaces to digital movies and archives as well.
Developers need to know how to utilize
this technology. You will not master this medium in this class,
but I hope to point you to resources for further exploration.
The newfound POWER of the video medium is accessibility via the
digital format. No longer are you slave to the VHS tape player's
Moreover, video allows repeated observation
of the same event, and supports an analysis of the motion and
the mathematics of motion. Video supports the construction of
significant stories that tell and explain.
As bandwidth increases and streaming
technologies proliferate, we also see the DVD revolution as a
primary means of distributing rich interactive video content
wia the web. shockwave technology is a viable solution.
If you are creating original video,
it must rely heavily on the script or storyboard
aspect of your project. When shooting and digitizing video, the
storyboards are used to plan the who, what, where, when, and
how much. Then the shoot is scheduled. The original tape should
be the highest quality possible to allow for digitizing and compression.
Digital cameras can go directly to the computer.