Dear Disciples of Christ


Grace and Peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


I am writing to everyone who have found your way to this part of the web. I have written these studies to aid  the many who desire to persevere as a branch of the True Vine!


The focus of these teachings is for you, the disciple of Christ, to learn to learn  from Christ who is the TRUE discipler. I will attempt to keep the discussions going and nurture dialogue, and supplement the material where I am so led.  For this to succeed, you must be prepared for the class each week.


Thank you for participating!  I know God has brought us together for a blessing in Him.


The course was originally intended for a small group settingto be completed in 6 weeks and we have changed to format to accommodate what the Lord is doing among us.


I focus on the heart aspects of discipleship  in the class time to balance the activity centered disciplines the website covers. Balance is a word you will hear me use often.  The human heart has a tendency to become legalistic and we want to be disiplined but not works centered. The Lord uses both inward and outward  aspects of discipline to build healthy, well balanced Christ centered disciples. So don't let my focus on keeping your motivation pure keep you from the memorization of scripture, completing the exercises,pondering the questions, etc.


The study is built in a sevenfold format. It is not necessarily linear in nature, but you can woirk through it in that fashion as well.


If there is a Biblical progression in discipleship, I would say that it follows more of s spiral that touches the whole man. Ministry to God, Ministry to believers, and ministry to the world. This has been expressed in some circles as Exalting God, Equipping the Saints, and Extension to the World. One cannot do any of these correctly without necessarily impacting the others concurrently.