Soon That Day

Soon That Day


Soon that day will come

When this life is done

When our dreams and plans shall end

Soon that day shall come

It will surprise some

But watchful comprehend


So awake from sleep

Wade into the deep

And immerse yourself in love

Open up your eyes

Search the eastern skies

Heís returning from above!


Lord come take us home

May your Kingdom come

Come and draw us to your side

Youíve prepared a place

For each child of Grace

There weíll evermore abide


We see your plan unfold

You do not withold

Of your presence in this world

Maranatha Lord!

Sound the trumpetís chord

We prepare for your return.


Prepare us to be watchful

The bridegroomís on His way

His returning could be any day

So watch and pray

Watch and pray


Anthony Foster

October 25, 2009