Green pastures of grace

Green Pastures of Grace


Iíve danced to mercyís music

And Iíve flown on eagleís wings

And I ëve marched to loveís strong drumbeat

As Iíve burnt my offerings


Until nothingís left but shalom

Thereís no despair left to face

And I find I am a rich man

Resting in this blessed place.

Here in the green pastures of grace.


For I wandered as a seeker

Searching for that greener grass

long bewildered, I grew weaker

As I starved for that which lasts

Never knowing thereís a banquet

Set and waiting forÝ the child

Who wills but to receive it

Those who enter from the wild.


There we find the stiller waters

We have chosen to lie down

And I want to see my daughters

And my sons and brothers now

Lying peaceful here beside me

In this most peculiar place

Here where the shadows falter

Where the heart becomes the altar

Here in the green pastures of grace.

Here in the green pastures of grace.

Here in the green pastures of grace.


August 27, 2009

Anthony Foster