Angels and Shepherds

Angels and Shepherds


The highest of the high

And the lowest of the low

Glorious in the sky

And broken here below


Beneath all of the heavens

Above all of the earth

Both wonder now in worship at

His inexpressable worth.


Both passion and compassion

Intermingled here in One

Here are the purest gifts of all

Compounded in Godís Son.


Precious purity undefiled

They come to praise the Miracle child.

Declarations of praise

Is all they can know.

Highest of the high

And lowest of the lowÖ


Stunned into silence

Stunned into exaltation

They see the holy evidence

And respond in celebrationÖ


The highest of the high

And the lowest of the low

Glorious in the sky

And broken here below


Beneath all of the heavens

Above all of the earth

Both wonder now in worship at

His inexpressable worth.


Anthony Foster

November 27, 2009