The Temple Trembles

The Temple Trembles




The temple now trembles now as it is filled

By radiance and glory- all nature is stilled

Godís presence has come out from that most holy place

To meet with his children face to face.


We are the temple Godís Spirit indwells

Our heart is the altar where true praise now swells

A glorious building made of living stones

With light in our eyes and fire in our bones


The water that cleanses in the Holy laver

The altar where the One pure sacrifice finds favor

The showbread, the lampstand that is filled with light

The altar of incense where prayer takes its flight

The one tabernacle where God and man meet

The door, the way, the living vine, the one mercy seat

The ark the manna and living Rod-

the final Word of God

The slain lamb now stands-

and we see the Great I am.


The temple now trembles, the temple now quakes

Godís presence is revealed to us for our sakes

Though once we were cast out we now enter in

To feast with the Father once again.



April 22, 2008

Anthony Foster