Living Redeemer
Oh Living Redeemer you rose from the grave
Oh Sufficient Savior you are mighty to save
Oh Living Redeemer, you make us alive
Your will be done till your Kingdom comes
And you glory arrives.
Our ransom and refuge endures to the end
Our living Redeemer is our faithful friend
To us Heí‚s the shelter, our Harbor and Home
The lost have been sought-And by His blood bought
Heí‚s made us His Own.
Oh Living Redeemer you transform our minds
The visions of dreamers, cant compare to what we find
When we find your mercy, forgiveness so free,
Oh Living Redeemer-Come and redeem me.
Ií‚ll take all lifeí‚s questions, the wherefores and whyí‚s
There are no suggestions once a man dies
No hope of changing, and no way to try
For redemptioní‚s price is your sacrifice
Now redemption draws nigh!
Our ransom and refuge the payment for sin
Is made at the cross and so it begins
Our savior redeems us His blood doth atone
Now we take our refugeí˜ in Christ alone.
Anthony Foster
March 22, 2008