Christmas Lullabye
Hear the angels sing "Fear Not"-Be at peace"
All youÝ menÝ with whom the Father is pleased.
With echoes of glory taken up in their flight
They cryÝ holy holy ho;ly tonight.
There is rest to be found in the righteous child
The fruit of the ages -by God's will reconciled
So songs from forever from heaven on high
Descend to us in Emmanuel's Lullabye.
Sleep now in sovereign security
The lord watches over providentially
The Lord is with Men
All heaven attends
While the cattle low in harmonyÖ
The shepherds tiptoeing the baby to see
Let him sellp soundly and let Him just be
For there's coming a time
He'll be swaddled in our crime
And there will be no rest for the wearyÖ
So listen now to the angel's song
They will be silenced e're long
And though he could recall them
Ten thousand strong
Then silence will reign over the earth
But for tonight we celebrate the Savior's birth.
January 18, 2008