We Didnít Know it Was You
How many times have you touched us
And we didnít know it was you
How many times have you healed us
And we didnít know it was you
How many disasters have you saved us from
And we were all unaware
When we were both blind and numb
You were ever and always there
All will be revealed that is true
When your kingdom comes our eyes will be new
For we didnít know it was you
Through how many dangers toils and snares
Have we been delivered by you
You mercy is like the morning dew
We take it for granted that youíre faithful and true
Though trials may come theyíre all of You
By your lovingkindness youíll see us through
How many ways have we been preserved
And we didnít know it was you
Saver from the very fates that we deserved
The things that only your goodness knows
Grace to which each one of us owes
The gratitude which grace bestows
We didnít know it was you
If weíd known you at all
Weíd know how grace prevails
Your mercies are new every morning
And your righteous love never fails!
July 18, 2007
Anthony Foster