You are the Mighty King

You are the Mighty King


You are the mighty King

Ruler of everything

You are the sovereign ruler of all

So at your throne we fall.


You are the mighty King

Your rule and reign you bring

So of your kingdom we will sing

You are the mighty King.


Make it plain, rule and reign

May the increase of your kingdom see no end

Majesty , rule in me

As joyfully my knee I bend.


Take the helm of your realm

Your will be done on earth as in heaven above

The ruling king now sheds abroad His love.


You are the mighty King

Your kingdom you will bring

It is established in this world below

You are the sovereign Lord

Worthy to be adored

From a rock to a mountain we see it grow

Your kingdom comes so all the world will know.


The earth is your footstool

You have the right to rule

As in heaven so on earth

We will declare your worth

You are the reigning King

Master of everything

Worthy to be adored

Majesty you are the reigning Lord.


Anthony Foster

March 24, 2006