You Speak, I Hear

You Speak, I Hear


You speak to me in the night

And in the dawning of the light

I greet the day with a holy song

With you in my heart all day long.


And I am grateful for the words you send

That you surface in my mind

As I meditate you will relate

The message youíve designed.

I would listen with attentive ears,

And regard them in my soul.

I would respond in gratitude and hear

And trust itís under your control.


You speak to me in the light of day

In each circumstance i will hear what you say

And as ion you I am waiting

My heart will be anticipating.


Your word is written on our hearts

If we listen we can hear

The will of the One who set us apart

His word will make it clear

That though your mystery attains

We can know all we need to know

In the end when mystery remains

Weíll trust itís under your control.


Anthony Foster

August 22, 2006