Yahweh Tsidkinew

Yahweh Tsidkinew


Oh peaceable fruit

Proof of our pursuit

We feed on the one who is our righteous root.

Lord our Righteousness

Yahweh Tsidkinew bless

Train us in trust as your name we confess.


Oh Lord we trust

You are holy and just

And this is what we will become

As we are conformed

And we are transformed

Make us like you when itís said and done.


We long for righteousness

We long forÝ You

The Lord our Righteousness

You are tried and You are True

The King who does justice

The King who does Right

Prove Your worth

As You shed abroad your righteous light.



Sun of Righteousness arise

Bring your healing to our cries

How long how long will you delay

Let your justice be done

And your judgment come

Reign in righteousness Yahweh Tsidkinew we pray!



Anthony Foster

September 16, 2006

Hebrews 12:11