Unto the Uttermost

Unto the Uttermost


Unto the uttermost the victory's won

Unto the uttermost for all who to Him come

He ever lives, ever intercedes for each of His own

Unto the uttermost unto the uttermost His salvation's done


The Love of God is shed abroad

By his Spirit in our hearts

When we were weak he came to seek

And to vouchsafe the peace he imparts


What he started he will accomplish

That good work he began in you

He will perform it and make it complete

Till the day of Christ Jesus is due.


Unto the uttermost- He intercedes

UntoÝ the uttermost the blood He pleads

Unto the uttermost-He'll meet all our needs.

Unto the uttermost, unto the uttermost

We're freed indeed!


Unto the uttermost, He is able to save-

Unto the uttermost Even to the grave-

Unto the uttermost, He gave and gave

Unto the uttermost, unto the uttermost

Jesus will save!


Anthony Foster

March 24, 2006