Redeeming King
Redeeming King you reign within our hearts
Redeeming King , ruling in every part
In heaven above and on earth below
There's no place to hide for there's no place
to go
We will let the world know and so we will sing
Of our redeeming King.
Redeeming king you have bought us with such a
great price.
Redeeming King you're a prophet and priest
And so you made the sacrifice
You laid down the crown and you embraced the
And for our great gain you have suffered all
From slavery we've been redeemed by the
Redeeming King!
Beyond every blessing beyond every dream
We're awestruck by what all this freedom can
To be bought at no bargain but so we're
Given liberty that never ends
But in spite of the pain and in spite of the
The King of all heaven died thee on the cross
Only the King of Ages could pay the great cost
Our kinsman has become our king
Redeeming king you have bought us with such a
great price.
Redeeming King you're a prophet and priest and
so you made the sacrifice
You laid down the crown and you embraced the
And for our great gain you have suffered all
From slavery we've been redeemed by the
Redeeming King!
Anthony Foster
May 9, 2006