Prayer for Healing

Prayer for Healing


Lord as here on our knees we kneel

Lord we ask you to comeÝ and heal


Broken bodies racked with pain

For your glory send your healing again


Lord we lift out fervent prayer

We know you hear us, we know you care

If it be your will lord you can heal

Lord heal out friend we pray

Thy will be done this day


BringÝ renewal, bring relief

Lord you rule o'er all our pain and grief

Give a future and a hope secure

Hope of heaven

Help our friend endure


Lord we cry out, we intercede

Help us bear the burdens. Meet the needs

Thought the thorns of life may ,makeÝ us fall

Lord may your grace be sufficient for it

Come and heal our friend, on you we call.


Lord be our sufficiency

Give us grace to set us free from worry and fear

You are strong when we are Ýweak,

So your strength alone we seek

Drawing near to us as we to you draw near

And we knowÝ our prayer for healing you will hear.


Anthony Foster
March 24, 2006