More of you and Less of us

More of you and Less of us


More of you and Less of us

We pursue a holy trust

As we're laying down our lives

We will see your love suffice

So die we must

It's all of you for we are only dust.


We want to show the world that Jesus loves them

We want to show the world that there's a better way to live

And as we live our lives before them

May the power and the glory of your name

Be exalted in the heavens

This is our aim.

Be exalted now as we declare your fame!


As we lay our lives down for the least of these

May we fade from view and see your glory released.


More of you and Less of us

We pursue a holy trust

As we're laying down our lives

We will see your love suffice

So die we must

It's all of you for we are only dust.


Anthony Foster

March 23, 2006