Beautiful Saviour

Beautiful Saviour


Beautiful Saviour

The day of your favor

Is the time and place when you open our eyes

Beautiful Saviour

May we never waver

May we ever keep our eyes set on the prize

You will ever be our treasure if we're wise.


Beautiful Saviour, open our heart

That we may see your lovely works as works of art

For we are your workmanship and your image we all bear,

And so in the weight of glory we have a share

If we live and move and find our being there.


Beautiful Saviour

You freely gave your

Life upon the tree that we might give

Living you loved us

Dying you saved us

Buried you carried our sins away

So we may live.


Beautiful Saviour, open our heart

That we may see your lovely works as works of art

For we are your workmanship and your image we all bear,

And so in the weight of glory we have a share

If we live and move and find our being there.


Anthony Foster

January 30, 2006