Who Have I

Who Have I?


Who have I in heaven but You?

Besides you there is nothing on Earth I desire

God is the strength of my heart

My portion forever and all I require!


Who have I in heaven but You?

To whom else shall we go?

Who else has the word of Life so true

That we all need to know?


Those who are far from you will surely die

All the unfaithful you destroy

The nearness of my God is my good

So near to you I will draw in great joy!


I have made the Lord God my refuge

That I may all your works declare

I have made the Lord God my refuge

And I will linger there.

I have made the Lord god my refuge

I rest there in His care

And now from my refuge

His love I shall declare!


After Psalm 73

Anthony Foster

September 11, 2005