This weary old world
I donít know the future
And I barely understand the past
But I know the one who is faithful and true
Whose word will forever last.
This weary old world knows nothing of
The one in whom I take my rest
For restless hears can have no love
For the One in whom theyÝ canÝ be blessed.
This weary old world needs a taste of true joy
To let go of striving to let go of their toys
In exchange for a purpose
In exchange for new birth
But so may go their own way
Till Christ returns to Earth
And then as we behold Heíll make all things new
The fresh thing will replace the old-As He said he would do.
And this weary old world will see judgment outpoured
And the ones who believed will then rest in the lord.
Anthony Foster March 2, 2005