Only One Heart
I have only one heart
And only so much can be written there
I would reserve it for what you have prepared
Make it ready to receive the word youíd write
Make ready my heart
Make it a tablet clean and holy
May I reserve it Lord for only
The very words you would cite
In that innermost part
The recesses of my heart
Where it shall host your mercyís source
Now write your message Lord so clear
SoÝ that I canít help but hear
I know it will sustain me on my course.
In the silence alone
Let me read what you would write
SustainÝ me like a beacon burning bright
Lord write your message on the tablet of my heart
So purify my heart
The lines the world has written erase
And put your decrees in their place
And the wisdom of your Word impart
If I would be renewed
Transformed by holy food
I must feast uponÝ the things that you require
If I would find your way
I must meditate on it night and day
And then I will find I have my heartís desire.
Anthony Foster
August 31, 2005