Once for All
Once for all
Christ died for our sin
Once for all
The righteous for unrighteous men
To bring us to God he was put to death
But he was made alive by the Spiritís breath
Once for all
He laid down his life
Once for all
Paid for our sins with His strife
He suffered at the sinnersí hands
It was all according to his plans.
And when we did our worst
He did His best
Became accursed
So weíd be blessed.
Once for all.
With every drop of blood he shed
He was slaying all our sins
The just for the unjust bled
He was paying for our sins
Once for all
He took our place our guilt erased
HeÝ bore our sins on the tree
That we being dead to sin
Might live eternally.
1 Peter 3:18, 2:21
Anthony Foster