When I was a sinner I surely loved my sin,

God Hates Sin


When I was a sinner I surely loved my sin,

I thought I was the winner in that dark state I was in

But the cross changed every meaning of what it is to win.

All the time I was a prisíner and I could never see

The chains and bars that bound me or what it means to be free.


For people love their darkness and to do just what they please

But iniquity is obscene and sin is a disease.

God hates sin so Iíll hate sin

For sin hates God and Godís way

God hates sin so Iíll hate sin

Yes Iíll turn from my sin today.


Sin will separate you from the Holy One

Sin will bind and bait you and leave you undone

But when you learn to hate sin the victory is won

Thatís the way it is, thus has it ever been

We will repent for God hates sin.


Will you love your sin more than the savior?

Would you rather the flesh to savor?

Or taste and see that God is good and eíre enjoy the flavor?

There are fires within us just as surely as hell burns

Will you treasure Jesus enough to repent and turn?


For people love their darkness and to do just what they please

But iniquity is obscene and sin is a disease.

God hates sin so Iíll hate sin

For sin hates God and Godís way

God hates sin so Iíll hate sin

Yes Iíll turn from my sin today.



July 20, 2005

Anthony Foster