Every Thought Captive
I set my mind on things above
On mercy, goodness, and your love
So purify my heart and mind
Of any sinful thought you find.
May the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You
My the thoughts I thinkÝ come in line with what is True
Iíll take every thought captive , Iíll make them your slave
You nail them to the cross, You take them to the grave
IíllÝ covenant with my twoÝ eyes
To turn my gaze away from lies
Iíll reckon Your Truth to be true
And reject deceits that cloud my view
My mindís a battlefield at times and I show no valor there
My thought life doesnít measure up to theÝ life that I declare
But Lord I have no secrets that you have not discerned
There is no hidden motiveÝ that you have not overturned.
Iíll take every thought captive to the Cause of My christ
For the cross where you killed sin has more than sufficed
Iíll reckon Your reality, and reject the reign of sin
And render myself unto youÝ as a righteous instrument.
Colossians 3, Romans 6
Anthony Foster
October 3, 2005