Double Journey

Double Journey


A journey of love and a journey of trust

We are called to bothÝ paths and to tread them we must

We canít go on either without walking them as one

But itís easier said than it is done!


Into my darkness the morning light broke

Praise rises up and praise breaks the yoke

The tears shed from the cross lift us up to hope and glory.

If Iíll sing Christ will touch me If I sing Christ will Heal me!


Itís a journey of trust and a journey of love

That leads us everÝ to the mark placed above

Keep in step with the Spirit andÝ weíllÝ travel by grace

We will learn love and trust as weÝ travel this place.


When your heart is sore and breaking apart

The God of all comfort will comfort your heart

He will meet you in your deepest need

On this double journey he will always lead.


Anthony Foster

July 17, 2005