Do you know my Jesus

Do you know my Jesus ?


Friend weíve know each other now for some time

We shared some meals and shared some fun-Weíve shared some hard times

I want to share some good news the thing that makes me care

So like a beggar sharing bread I have a treasure I would share

Do you know my Jesus

Do you trust In Him?

Do you know my Jesus

Has he cleansed you from your sin?

Do you trust my Jesus?

Has your life begun again?

For heís the life, the truth, the way

So trust him with your heart today

And you will find heíll never lead you astray.


Stranger, we donít know each other but Iím a lot like you

I want to know the purpose of this life weíre going through

And though I may not know you, there are some things I know well

So if youíll listen for a moment- thereís good news that I would tell


Do you know my Jesus

Do you trust In Him?

Do you know my Jesus

Has he cleansed you from your sin?

Do you trust my Jesus?

Has your life begun again?

For heís the life, the truth, the way

So trust him with your heart today

And you will find heíll never lead you astray.




Anthony Foster

August 3, 2005