Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone


Make my heart tender as I surrender

Open my heart to its innermost part as true service I render

Forge my affections into heartfelt connections

Take my motives I pray and renew them today

Powíred by your resurrection.


For I would isolate myself alone in this garden with you!

But you send me out into the world to do what you'd have me to doÖ


You came to seek and save the lost

To conquer sin and pay the cost

So by the power of your cross

I step out of my comfort zone

These familiar things I've known

To serve you and you alone!


Lord I need so much to reach out and touch

Someone different than me

Someone who doesn't see

Eye to eye with my view of reality

So Lord open my eyes and help me realize

That there but for the grace of God go I

And if I don't go out to them thenÝ I might as well just die


For we are your feet and we are your hands

We're to walk and to work according to your plans

To walk by your Holy Spirit's commands

Lord open our hearts to do what love demands!


Anthony Foster

July 29, 2005