Heís all that you need

All that you need


Taste of his mercy, savor his peace

If you are thirsty a flood Heíll release

If you are hungry his banquet wonít cease

The Lord has decreed Heíll be all you need

Heíll be all you need.


If you have nothing, youíre wretched and poor

Or if youíve had more than you can endure

Make Jesus your portion sufficient and sure

There's no need to plead- Heíll be all you need

Heíll be all you need.


So empty your hands and empty your heart of this world

Heíll give you himself as a precious priceless pearl.


So reach out to Jesus Heíll be all you need.

Reach out to Jesus, let His love intercede

Heíll be your shepherd to green pastures Heíll lead

Reach out to Jesus, reach out to Him

Heís all that you need


The Lord has decreed Heíll be all you need

Heíll be all you need.


Anthony Foster

June 28, 2005