Sing to the Lord a new song!
This website is a work in progress, as are we. It features the lyrics to many of the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs that have been written as the outworking of praise for the great graces God has worked into our life.
As such, they are chronicles and a journal of my walk for the past fifty years. The earliest songs on the site will date back to 1973, when I was seventeen years young. Earnestine became my muse in 1976, and many of our conversations and her refinements have found their way into these lyrics. God has led us- these songs were gifts meant to edify and strengthen us privately, and many have been used in the local bodies we served as well. We are being led to share them with the body at large, and we pray they will minister in some way to hearts that have been prepared for them. If they do, then it is the evidence of the grace of Christ meant for you.
Soli Deo Gloria!