Listen, please listen- this word is for you

It's straight from God's word- it is faithful and true

It's not easy to speak of an eternal fate

Listen, please listen before it's too late!

All sinners are damned there is no defense

If you reject the truth there's a consequence

For no power or deed can help you endure

The accounting to come for judgment is sure!


Like lemmings men march to the sea

Set on destruction and blind to their need

Against their only hope they rage and rail

Not wanting to hear of some eternal Hell

Listen please try to comprehend

By rejuecting Jesus you are condemned

For good intentions will see you die

Don't choose to believe the final lie!


Like an immortal worm, Hell's an eternal cancer

That eats at the soul of men who reject God's answer

Tears forever flow and death is all they know

Mourning, weeping and pain in Hell forever reign

For the worm doesn't die in Hell's brimstone and fire

That cannot be quenched by Satan the great liar!




Anthony Foster

Copyright 1990 Anthony Foster