You're a blessed gift sent from the Father

cradled in your mother's womb.

Before you were born God knew you,

And we'll all know you very soon.

Your momma and your daddy will nurture and make plans

But it's up to every one of us  to feed God 's little lamb.


Little lamb of God, we will watch you grow.

Little lamb of God, we pray that soon you'll know

That the Father feeds His little lambs with constant loving care-

And that you can know God 's family is always there to share.


One day you will realize

That this world 's not the one you've known.

You'll long to know the presence

That the Father's love has shown.

You'll be born again and then we'll all rejoice;

You'll be born into God 's Family when you make the choice.


I pray that you will love the Lord with heart and mind and soul-

Growing more like Jesus, becoming pure and whole,

Realizing your inheritance that's given on that day

That you become a Child of God in the Father's will and way.


You'll be a child of God, and we'll watch you grow.

Little child of God, one day you will know

The Father who guides His Children with constant, loving care.

Then you can know God's Family  is always there to share.


                                                  Written for Justin Matthew

                                                       June 1, 1990

                                                      by Uncle Tony and Aunt E.