Jesus is Better!
Passing through a world of heartache- of pain, of loss, of emptiness
We search for self and satisfaction- We never let it rest!
Just to feel the hurt of others, Bear the brunt of one man's pain
Seeing one by one with tenderness and let compassion reign!
For Jesus is better than religious style
His tender compassion redeems and reconciles
Suffering and reality With what we're meant to be
His love is the channel to eternity!
For Jesus is love and all love entails
Jesus is better for His love never fails!
Jesus healed more men with his love than he did with His hands
Jesus gives more life with His Word than men can understand
He quenched more thirsty souls with His peace than with miracle wine
He feeds more hungry hearts with Himself than with wonders or with signs!
For Jesus is better than religious style
His tender compassion redeems and reconciles
Suffering and reality With what we're meant to be
His love is the channel to eternity!
For Jesus is love and all love entails
Jesus is better for His love never fails!
Jesus never fails!
Jesus never fails!
Jesus never fails!
Jesus never fails!
June 1990
Anthony Foster
Copyright 1990 Anthony Foster