Heart of my own Heart, my only true sight
Show me thy unseen things so that I might
Cling to them only and live in their light
Heart of my own heart set my heart aright!
Heart of my own heart set my heart afire
So it may burn with a holy desire
Then the fire in my breast-Never, ever let it rest
Heart of my own heart- my heart is truly blessed!
Heart of my own heart living word so true
Write yourself on me and hide me in you
So that foreverr your vision's my view
And you can perpetually create me anew!
Heart of my own heart set my heart afire
So it may burn with a holy desire
Then the fire in my breast-Never, ever let it rest
Heart of my own heart- my heart is truly blessed!
Heart of my own heart and source of all things
Play now your heartsong upon my heartstrings
Burn now within me a pure offering
Lift up my heart now to fly on your wings!
Heart of my own heart set my heart afire
So it may burn with a holy desire
Then the fire in my breast-Never, ever let it rest
Heart of my own heart- my heart is truly blessed!
Anthony Foster
Copyright 1990 Anthony Foster