Fountain of Grace


There is a fountain of grace - flowing out from mercy's source

To flood a barren wilderness and to cut an ever deepening course

Through the valley of the shadow- it will wash away the stain

On every heart that will believe- it cleanses and constrains

Flow through this dirty vessel- cleanse from all guilt and shame

Purify me wholly- make me holy, without blame

Take me under into wonder that I might drown in you

For you will raise me up again washed clean and renewed.


There is a fountain of grace - flowing out from mercy's source

To flood a barren wilderness and to cut an ever deepening course

Through the valley of the shadow- it will wash away the stain

On every heart that will believe- it cleanses and constrains

Lift my feet fromn your mountain unto a higher place

To the source of the fountain of your amazing grace

Let me walk on THAT water that lives forevermore

Let me drink of the cleansing power of your presence Lord!



Anthony Foster


Copyright 1990 Anthony Foster