Fire Down Below


The fires of Hell are never quenched by waters of this earth

But a spring of water is welling up, the water of new birth

The well is deep- but just a hole- if you don't drink from it, you'll die

If you find a love, but not this greater love you dring from a well that's dry!


There's a fire down below if it's not burning in your heart

Destroying men and women- tearing them apart

Generation upon generation without a hope to trust

Generation upon generation going down to dust


Hell burns as the World turns

And we seek to explain while we just don't care

Do we understand what God's love demands,

Or Fiery ashes of shame choose to wear?


Men are asking men are seeking they are knocking- who will answer?

Men are asking men are seeking they are knocking- who will answer?


Steeped in form, devoid of power,

Hypnotized by history

Have we lost our first love

And seek to explain all mystery?


Hell burns as the World turns

One by one men die and then are lost

Stand up you men of Christ and claim the sacrifice

Then turn away from hellfire to the fire of Pentecost!


June 1990

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1990 Anthony Foster