Blessed and Broken
Blessed Bread of Life-Be our sustinence
With your blessedness- Fill our emptiness
From grain that died and rose to life You made this
living bread
Pure and without leavening And by it we are fed
As we break the bread and eat it We become broken too
As we take the food you feed us we are given life anew
For where there was only emptiness Now light and life are
Where we were only beggars in abundance now we share
You were, for our sake- blessed and broken
Now by your power you make us blessed and broken
So as the bread we take is blessed and broken
We remember all the chains you break
Remember now the driven stake
remember we are blessed and broken in you
He is the manna on which hungry hearts feed
He'll meet you in your wilderness of need
He is all that satisfies
The filling your hungry heart desires
The unleavened bread that makes men arise
Here is the bread of Paradise
You were, for our sake- blessed and broken
Now by your power you make us blessed and broken
So as the bread we take is blessed and broken
We remember all the chains you break
Remember now the driven stake
Remember we are blessed and broken in you
June 19,1990
Anthony Foster