

Ambitions die hard but die they must

Or be clothed in Christ and sanctified.

Until found in Christ they are but dust

Our dreams must be stripped of self and pride.


I have but one ambition that is to honor Christ

One prayer and one petition To follow Him to Paradise

The greatness I aspire to is what pleases Him alone

And it is my heart's desire to bow down before His throne


Now I 'm changed into His likeness

As I gaze  upon Him face to face

I know my only hope of glory

Is to be changed inside by His grace.


I have but one example to follow and obey

His power is more than ample- he is the Living Way

His word will now conform my life- it will ever be enough

To insure the legacy i leave will be a life of love!


Now I 'm changed into His likeness

As I gaze  upon Him face to face

I know my only hope of glory

Is to be changed inside by His grace.



Anthony Foster