analytical argumentation- argumentation based on propositional logic.

artifact- something created by humans for a practical purpose

asynchronous-digital communications (which requires no timing requirement for transmission)

binge and purge pedagogy- teaching paradigm wherby information is force fed to students and then reguritated without any actual learning being facilitated.

Cassandra- a daughter of Priam who had the gift of prophecy but who was fated never to be believed.

cocooning- isolation and denial of intimacy by erection of protective strategies

cognitive intuition- knowledge or awareness based on insight not derved from evident rational thought

critical thinking-scientific investigation of empirical evidences

deconstructionists- proponents of a type of literary criticism that assumes that language refers only to itself rather than an extratextual reality. This affirms multiple interpretations which conflict or possible mutual exclusivity as valid interpretations of a text. Artistic intent is ignored as an invalid criterion.

depravity - a corrupt act or practice

dystopian-Anti-utopian; an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and fearful lives.


epistemological- pertaining to the study of the nature and grounds of knowledge

Faustian bargain- made or done for present gain rather than with regard to possible future consequences.

Firebird- mythical phoenix that lived five hundred years only to burn itself to ashes on a pyre and rise to life again.

gatekeeper- one who checks and validates the veracity of information

hermeneutic(al)- the study of the methodological principles of interpretation of texts

Imageo Dei- Image of God (its likeness as revealed in man)

imho- in my humble opinion

learning cognition- mechanics by which learning takes place- apprehension of information and its assimilation into human experience.

metanarrative- a transcendent or more comprehensive narrative of ultimate meaning by which all derivative texts are comprehended.

modernist- one who holds tot he tenets of modernism, a movement in human thought characterized by principles instuituted by the Enlightenment- a philosophic movement of the 18th century marked by the rejection of traditional social, religious, and political ideas. (see rationalism)

neo-Luddite- one who is opposed to technological change. After Ned Ludd, leader of a group of 19th century Enlish workmen who destroyed labor saving machinery during the industrial revolution as a protest.

Oral traditions-body of information transmitted by the stories, legends and myths of a culture.

POMO-truncation of "postmodern"

postmodern-of or related to one of several movements in art, philosophy and literature which seek to abrogate the effects of modernism, while affirming the modern idea of the relativity of truth.

premodernism-Medieval culture before the advent of the Enlightenment.

rationalism-theory that reason itself is the ultimate source of knowledge.

rational presuppositionalist- one who adheres to a view that truth is describable in propositional and logical terms.

rhetorical debate- the art of cogent and consistent verbal argumentation

synchronous- data tranferred by means of some sort of regulatory timer so as to insure exact timing of transfer

technocracy-management of a society by technical experts.

technoptomists-one who sees technology as a "silver bullet" or panacea for societal problems.

typology-analysis or classification based on categories. A prefiguring or symbolization of a particularity by preexisting things.

virtual communities-online social aggregations that finds its being in cyberspace.

zeitgeist- the spirit of the age- the predominating world philosophy of any given time.


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