E3:Evangelization of the Lost
To Be:Being proof of the Good News-Incarnational
We are to BE an apologetic for the Faith once delivered to the Saints in this world. We are to build kingdom relationships with the Lost and by our care and compassion finding its source in Christ, compel them to believe by the power of the Spirit in our lives.We should live CONVINCING lives by the Spirit's power.We should never compromise the truth to be winsome.
As expressed in: Equipping of the Saints
Learning to live like a believer who has the Word of God as THE rule of life. Learning what we are saved FROM and TO. Learning to be evangelists by doing the work of an evangelist.
As expressed in: Exaltation of the Savior
Being compassionate. Becoming a means of glorification of God to the lost, being the light and salt we were created to be. Developing a heart that beats after God's. Never abandoning His exclusive claims to being the ONLY way whereby men may be saved..
To Do:Doing the Great Commission- personally and publicly
witnessing and testifying to the Mighty Acts of God
We are to take every thought captive for the cause of Christ- clearly and coherently witnessing to the work He has done in us personally and to His mighty acts in time and space. We are always to be ready to give a defense for the hope that dwells in us!
As expressed in: Equipping of the Saints
Personal witness and biblical training in apologetics. Learning to testify and to tell your story in a way that communicates clearly, and knowing the real thing well enough to be able to discern the difference and defend the truth.
As expressed in: Exaltation of the Savior
Telling your story in a way that focuses on God's work in you, not you yourself. Psalm 40 -a new song is the song of the redeemed. Learning to respond to the lost as Christ responds. Going and giving and sacrificing puposefully to tell the world and your community that Jesus is salvation, life and light.