E2:Equipping of the Saints
Knowing God through His word and by the Holy Spirit mastering us. Learning to be who Christ says we are. Being transformed by the renewing of our minds. Developing an intimate relationship with God. Appropriating the blessings of being found IN CHRIST in present reality by sitting at his feet and developing a personal, intimate relationship with the God of the Universe who is not silent. Learning to become living sacrifices. Actively manifesting Spiritual fruits of character (Eph 3-5)... those fruit are borne of abiding in Christ(John 15), and knowing Him in the fellowship of His suffering and the power of His resurrection (Phil 3). Being filled with the Spirit.
As expressed in: Exaltation of the Savior
Living, moving and having our being IN Christ. Being who Christ says we are by abiding in Him. Discovering how to by faith and not by sight.
As expressed in: Evangelization of the Lost
Being a true friend to sinners. Being Christlike to the lost, building relational platforms from which to speak the truth in Love.
To Do:Doing the work of ministry-(Service, teaching,
sacrifice, obedience and prayer.)
Writing His word on our hearts will inevitably lead to a life of ministry. Loving God through loving the least of these. We were created unto good works. Actively applying one's spiritual gifts in the body. Serving others with the right attitude and obeying Christ's commands. Learning to be a redemptive force in a fallen world by practically applying what we believe. Working out what He has worked in actively allows God to work in us to will and to do according to His purposes.
As expressed in: Exaltation of the Savior
Doing all things in faith (Romans 14:23). And out of Love (1 Cor 16:13-14 and 1 Cor 13). Radical obedience to the call of Christ.Romans 12:1 implies that spiritual acts of worship and reasonable service are flip sides of a coin. Believing God. Loving Others. Living victoriously in the Light of the Unseen.
As expressed in: Evangelization of the Lost
Actively reproducing fruit in the lives of others through effective witnessing and defending the faith (apologetics). Actively loving the Lost.