E1:Exaltation of the Savior
To Be: Being the Delight and Inheritance
of God (Being conformed to the likeness of the Son)
We are to worship Him in spirit and in truth. As God's people we are his workmanship and the recipients of His favor. So our lives are worship in and of themselves, so we must be authentic all areas of life to glorify God. We are to be people of the Word and people of Grace, manifesting God's presence in our lives and therefore bringing Him glory in this present age. We are partakers in His righteousness and our very being has been transformed for His purposes and plans. So we are also to delight in and enjoy God personally. We must therefore never live beneath our privilege! Being crucified in and identified with Christ, we are to have His mind in us- an attitude that reflects God's heart...to the praise of His glory!
As expressed in: Equipping of the Saints -
Discovering what pleases God and allowing our minds to be renewed, as well as apprehending, understanding and applying the ramifications of His revealed character and nature... and then to purposefully come into accord with that nature by the power of His resurrection life. Teach to exalt God by teaching to see Him transform lives, not to inform.
As expressed in: Evangelization of the Lost -
Letting the world see the the joy of our salvation and being a transparent, compelling Christian.Psalm 40. Having Christ's attitude by the power of His might for all the world to see. Never portraying God as safe or His grace as cheap.
To Do: Ascribing Worship to God (Loving Him with our
heart, soul, mind and strength)
We are to consciously practice right thinking about who God is and exalt Him by our voices, hearts, and lives and acts of devotion such as giving prayer and service. We exalt Him when we find our sufficiency in Him and declare our Love to Him publicly and privately. We are to live lives of worship, even building our relationships in this allegiance. Therefore, living like right now counts forever.
As expressed in: Equipping of the Saints -
Practical application of a life that worships- thanksgiving and grace expressed in good works, ministry, and service. A key part of this is learning to pray and communicate with God. It is also devloping a thoroughly Biblical worldview and theology which does not compromise the demands of living in the presence of holiness. Learning to make godly life decisions.
As expressed in: Evangelization of the Lost -
Inviting the Lost to experience our lives of worship and being open and bold in our witness to God's work in our lives. Knowing what we believe and being able to communicate it. Representing God's goodness for whom He says he is, not what people want to hear.