June 17, 2003 British Methodists Mark Wesley's Birth

We gave you a heads up last week...

LONDON (RNS) The Methodist Church is celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of its founder, John Wesley, but the observance comes amid a continuing crisis over attendance and fears for the future of the church itself in his native Britain. -- Al Webb

June 17, 2003 Hey LR, you could have saved the bundle you dropped on that trip to Orlando!

You could have checked out the Goat Races for family fun!

Or you could have stayed closer to home and had some serious fun at the Root Packing Contest at the Horseradish Festival in Collinsville!

And dang, you missed the Root Derby! Contestants built their own Horseradish Root Car and raced them at the opening ceremonies and beyond!  This car had to be made entirely out of a Horseradish Root. It should have been a fun and unique event!

A February BBC report noted the fascination among tribes in Meghalaya, India, to appear mischievously worldly by giving their children prominent Western names (such as those of candidates in the Feb. 26 local elections, Adolf Lu Hitler R Marak, Tony Curtis, Rockefeller Momin and Hilarious Dhkar). Also popular are Roosevelt, Churchill, Bush, Blair, Clinton and Saddam. [BBC News, 2-26-03] Link via News of the Weird, week of June 15

June 17, 2003-Words of Wisdom
A hot iron, though blunt, will pierce sooner than a cold one, though sharper. --John Flavel

Pondering the Triune One

In pondering the roles the persons of the Godhead supply in the various aspects of our salvation from election to glorification- I think a case could be made that the methodologies God employs in our salvation are directly and certainly related to His very Triune nature acting in tandem- so many times a statement will be made followed by according to or in accordance with denoting not causality but agreement or confession in the Godhead about the work- almost like a built in cheering section. I suppose this assertation is a no-brainer but cool nonetheless and wešll be pondering the wonder of it for eternity!

The Hebrew word "ruah" is feminine in gender, the Latin "spiritus" is masculine, the Greek "pneuma" is neuter. Where the terms "father" and "son" applied to the first and second hypostases of the Holy Trinity carry masculine gender as part of their meaning content, "spirit" has no such content. This means that the English word "spirit" does not correspond exactly in use or meaning to any word in the original text of the Hebrew or Greek scriptures.

The Jewish Fathers whose comments are recorded in Midrash Rabbah offer a number of profound insights into the precise meaning of Genesis 1- one suggests it refers to the spirit of the Messiah hovering over the waters, another that a covenant is made between wind and water, that even in the summer's heat a breeze will stir the surface of the water, another, Bar Zoma, sees the Holy Spirit hovering like a mother bird hovering above the nest, her wings touching neither the upper nor the lower limit. The Spirit hovers or broods over the primordial watery abyss, while darkness still encompasses all, and before the first creative word is spoken, a divine Wind blowing above the watery chaos.

"By the word of the Lord were the heavens established, and all their might by the breath of his mouth." (Ps. 32, 6) The "word" here is "logos" and the "breath" is "pneuma." The two terms, which in Christian theology designate the second and the third hypostases of the Trinity are brought together here in the Psalmist's description of God's creation.

"And the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, and the Lord raised a saviour for Israel, and he saved them, Gothoniel son of Kenez, younger brother of Chaleb. And the spirit of LORD came upon him, and he judged Israel." (Judges, 2, 9-10.) Here, as elsewhere, the spirit of God empowers and energises, enabling the one on whom it comes to perform extraordinary deeds. (cf. 11, 29 - Jephthae; 13, 25 or 15, 14 - Sampson.)

Signs of the Times- The Gospel in Roadsigns...???



From the personal weblog of Anthony Foster @http://anthonyfoster.com/blog/