April 8, 2003 And another Piper for the PDL folks

"The longer you meditate on the writings of the apostle Paul the more clearly you see that genuine, deep spiritual experience depends on genuine deep Biblical knowledge. I mean things like faith and love and peace and joy -- these precious subjective experiences of the heart -- depend on the mind's apprehension o fobjective Biblical truth. From a Biblical standpoint studying and thinking and knowing are never ends in themselves; they always stand in the service of feeling and willing and doing. The mind is the servant of the heart. Knowledge exists for the sake of love. And all theology worth its salt produces doxology."- What Must Happen Before the Day of the Lord? August 30, 1987 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

War news

Just watched the big statue of Saddam get pulled down on TV (CNN has this online pretty quickly) - the jubilation sure looked real on the part of the Iraqi people. I think it will be a challenge to us to understand that our jubilation should be a sorrowful joy- we are incredible superior force going up against a people who for the most part have been subjugated. Lives are lost on both sides and that's no reason to celebrate- but the toppling of an evil regime, that's another thing. The Bible indicates that there is a supernatural battle that is going on unseen- in the heavenlies. I am breathing a little easier and claiming a spiritual victory in this. It's not over til it's over.

Here's a telling picture-Today In Pictures    A Marine with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit holds a Bible next to his assault rifle during a Christian prayer service north of Naseriya, Iraq .Looks like one of the camouflage Bibles Campus Crusade sent in Rapid Deployment Kits.
April 8, 2003 Life is war:

"Thatıs not all it is. But it is always that. Our weakness in prayer is owing largely to our neglect of this truth. Prayer is primarily a wartime walkie-talkie for the mission of the church as it advances against the powers of darkness and unbelief. John Piper p. 45...and what did we do with the walkie talkie? We tried to rig it up as an intercom in our houses and cabins and boats and cars- not to call in firepower for conflict with a mortal enemy but to ask for more comforts in the den. p. 49 from Let the Nations Be Glad chapter 2 second edition.

Screwtape to Wormwood "(Do) not hope for too much from a war... How disastrous for us is the continual remembrance of death which war enforces. One of our weapons, contented worldliness, is rendered useless. In wartime not even a human being can believe that he is going to live forever". Lewis, p. 32 Screwtape Letters.

April 7, 2003 Homiletical resources

Here's an index of Illustration sourcebooks on my shelf for anyone who'd like to access them let me know.

April 7, 2003 Currently Reading...
Bought the updated/revised 2nd edition of Piper's Let the Nations Be Glad as mine had found its way into someone else's library some time ago and was blessed to reread the first couple of chapters yesterday. Don't know why it's considered academic- it's immensely readable and draws one to worship...can't think of a better way to have spent a rainy Sunday afternoon.
April 7, 2003 What time is it when at the Hoosier capital it's noon?

Indiana is one of three U.S. states which do not Spring ahead from "standard" to "daylight saving" time or Fall back from daylight to standard six months later. Arizona and Hawaii are the others. By State Law, most of Indiana is on Eastern Standard Time (EST) all year long.

You can rant about it here...with Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers

April 7, 2003 Things I didn't need to know from Amazon.com

Customers who wear clothes also shop for:

* Clean Underwear from Amazon's Target Store
* Ladybug Rain Boots from Amazon's Nordstrom Store
* Pet Socks from Amazon's Urban Outfitters Store
* Helicopter Sleepwear Sets for Baby from Amazon's Old Navy Store


From the personal weblog of Anthony Foster @http://anthonyfoster.com/blog/