...thoughts expressed here are not necessarily final.

October 2, 2006 We joined Highview today!

Sooo glad to have a new home church- we have community and relatives there, and look forward to meeting new friends.

Spotted in an exclusive section of a resort city in Florida...

One God

This cup of blessing which we bless
Is it not sharing in the blood of Christ?
This bread we break in righteousness
Is it not sharing in the body of Christ?
Because there is one bread we break
We who are many as one Body now partake.
Because you are One we confess
We are One people in One- anotherness.
One bread, one cup
We are fed as it is lifted up.
One body and one blood revealed
And by your wounds our souls are healed!

Anthony Foster
October 1, 2006

The One, the True and Living God

You are the One, the True and Living God
There is none like You!
You are the One, the True and Living God
The One with whom we have to do
The only one whose presence
Is the treasure beyond worth
The only one whose essence
Joins with us in the new birth...

You are the One, the True and Living God
Who reigns in royal majesty
You are the One, the True and Living God
Who was and is and e're shall be
The only one whose Holy name
Is due to be adored
The only one who is proclaimed
The Holy Righteous Lord.

Anthony Foster
October 1, 2006


Here in the Deep
I've never been so close
Never been so near my end
Never been so broken
Till you taught me how to bend
Here where darkness seems o reign
Suspended between beauty and pain
Our hearts will find sweet ways to weep
Here in the deep.
The agony of letting go
The relief of giving up
The devastation we can know
In the emptying of our cup.
Poured out and drained dry
Water washed and purified
Now for new filling we await
This noble purpose for which we're made.
Made to receive the life of an innocent man
Made to believe the strife is a part of his plan
For by it we are prepared
No other glory can be compared
Than to be formed by the potter's precious hand

October 5, 2006
Anthony Foster

Wounded Healer

You are the wounded one
Who cures a wounded man
A healing touch comes from your hand
And though the wounding
We may never understand
From the foundations of the world it was planned.

This world has never heard of such
This world will call the cure a crutch
Of this mystery we will make much
Oh to be restored by the healer's touch!
Our painful pride somehow has died
As we stand here at the healer's side
Still his wounds flow so we may know
Restoration only he can bestow!

October 5, 2006
Anthony Foster

Mercy's Call

Whether we're saved or whether we're lost
Whether the price will be paid or if we bear the cost
Whether we run from grace
Or on our knees fall
When it's said and done
This is mercy's call.
If we obey
Or if we rebel
If in your presence we would stay
Or if we go to hell
Lord we don't have a lace to stand
No, we can't even crawl
For the path to peace
Is paved by mercy's call.
Mercy's call may fall upon each ear
It is meant for all who have ears to hear
Mercy's call can make your heart rejoice
If you'll listen to and heed the master's voice!
Whether we live or whether we die
We can't presume to demand grace
Else grace is a lie
It's a gift so freely given
A gift that's free for all
To receive the gift you must believe
To believe the gift you mist receive
Yes it beckons you to come partake of mercy's call.

Anthony Foster
October 5, 2006

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From the personal weblog of Anthony Foster @http://anthonyfoster.com/blog/