June 18, 2006 The University of Michigan has recently added Deep Blue to the growing list of full-text services that are springing up to dispense research results without charge to readers. (See Google Scholar for another example.) While debate about free vs. subscription access to scholarly research continues, one cannot help but feel pleased for the students. Given the financial burdens students face, and the technical hassles involved in obtaining access to papers subject to digital rights management, I'd be surprised if students were not pretty clear and unanimous about preferring services like Deep Blue to ones they have to pay for the privilege of struggling with.

Germantown Baptist recently had a vote on electing elder leadership... Apparently they voted it down.

Digital newspapers, redux

Web is Number One medium..

Look what got caught outside my back window...


From John Fischer:

Servants serve because they’re servants. Servants don’t have a service quota to meet once a week; service is what they do. Servants don’t even expect to be thanked, because they are merely doing what is expected of them. A servant’s thanks is seeing the whole operation run smoothly – being a part of something that is bigger than we are.

The best kind of service is the kind that is never noticed or given recognition. In fact, a good judge of whether our service is of God is how well or how poorly we handle no one noticing.

From Larry, and well worth reading- a tribute to Adrian Rogers.
We were just discussing a Rogers quote in the Cohort Cafe this week.
Something about  a thing must have one head and  if it has more than
one head its a freak (in regard to a plurality of elders in a church).

My favorite Rogersism: "Your hope of heaven's not worth half a
hallelujah if Jesus wasn't raised from the dead."

House Church movement

From Barna: Americans are redesigning their ways of life, crafting lifestyles that reflect their priorities and interests. One of the latest expressions of this new approach is the adoption of the house church as a means of experiencing and expressing faith. Is this a good trend?

Myths about Education

...held by the American public from Probe Ministries' Don Closson

Build the Kingdom

The kingdom like a mustard seed
When into fertile soil is sown
Will come to flourish and take root
One day it will bear much fruit
Once into a mighty tree it has grown

We build the kingdom in this world
And see lost ground reclaimed
Though it was once forsaken
Once abandoned now retaken
And the long lost territories are regained.

The kingdom is where the King is
So take His reign as you go
Extend the kingdom by your love
By your good works they will know.
The faith that they have heard of
The solid hope beyond compare
We’ll live the Word before them
And with our tongues declare

We know the power to overcome
To possess a victory already won
By the blood of the slain lamb
He has risen now to take his stand
Oh to see the victory of Christ
Oh to be the mighty victory of Christ

Anthony Foster
June 20, 2006

Sing a Song of Jesus

Sing a song of freedom, sing a song of peace
Sing a song of Jesus, sing of sweet release
There’s no other song that saves and frees us
Song a song, sing a song of Jesus

Sing a song of mercy, sing a song of grace
Sing a song of Jesus, sing of his wondrous ways
There’s no other song that heals all our diseases
Song a song ,Sing a song of Jesus

Sing a song of passion, sing a song of fire
Sing a song of Jesus, sing of our sovereign sire
There’s no other song that we’ll allow to seize us
Song a song , Sing a song of Jesus

Sing a song...Sing a song,
Sing the song of the redeemed of Christ
And sing it all day long
Sing out loud, sing out strong
Sing the song as praise’s sacrifice
The song shall carry us along
There’s no other song that strengthens us and frees us
Sing a song, a simple song of Jesus.

Anthony Foster
June 21, 2006

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From the personal weblog of Anthony Foster @http://anthonyfoster.com/blog/