...thoughts expressed here are not necessarily final.

January 03, 2005!

Tsunami Disaster Relief links at Joel News. Keep the unfound in prayer. CNN data here.

God and the Tsunami with Al Mohler here.

Universal access to all human knowledge? Brewster Kahle thinks so ,and soon.

Dave Barry hangs it up for a year. What will we do if we need an exploding toilet?

New Years Resolution: Eat more carbs!

Yes I will be heading over to the mediterranean side of the dieting universe. At least there will be a few more carbs than Atkins affords.

Notes for : Sign-Seeking and the Coming of the Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)

Signs, signs everywhere signs...

The Pharisees practiced living in the light of the seen; They made appraisals based on appearances. Jesus made much of this in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus taught that sin was not only that which was manifested externally, but that the attitudes of the heart, such as anger and lust were tantamount to murder and sexual sin.

In chapter 16, Jesus accused the Pharisees of being wrong headed in their orientation.

"Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, were listening to all these things, and they were scoffing at Him. And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God” (Luke 16:14-15)."

The logical termination point of this error in orientation is that the coming of the Kingdom would be anticipatd in the same categories. The Jews expected its arrival to be signaled by various external “signs and wonders” which of course would be managed by the Scribes and Pharisees. The Pharisees persistently challenged Jesus to prove Himself by performing miraculous signs (Matthew 12:38; 16:1; Mark 8:11). The ironic thing is that He DID present signs and wonders and yet they failed to apprehend them!

In Luke 17:20-37, the subject is the coming of the kingdom of God. The Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom was to come. It’s imperative to recognize that there are three errors concerning the second coming of Christ.

The first is the error of the Pharisees (verses 20-21). The second error is that of our Lord’s disciples (verses 22-25). The third error is that of the people as a whole, (verses 26-32). We can see that no one fully understood the Old Testament messianic prophecies and how they would be fulfilled in Christ.

We should recognize that none of us who live today have a complete understanding of Bible prophecy either. No matter how many prophecy conferences or charts we master, there is an aspect of mystery that will not be fully apprehended until Christ returns in power. We who see as in a darkened mirror need these words from the lips of our Lord as much as the people of His day needed them.

The Structure of the Text

Our text contains two main paragraphs, the first of which concerns the Presence of the Kingdom and the Pharisees (verses 20-21). The second paragraph is significantly larger and contains instruction regarding the future coming of the Kingdom to His disciples (verses 22-37). The subject of both paragraphs is the coming of the kingdom of God. The text can be subdivided into the following sections:

(1) The Pharisees and the Kingdom of God (vv. 20-21)
(2) The Disciples and the Kingdom of God (vv. 22-37)

a. The Danger of over-zealous presupposition (vv. 22-25)
b. The Danger of worldly preoccupation (vv. 26-32)
c. The Danger of coming judgment (vv. 33-37)

The Already/Not Yet Kingdom of God

  • The Promised Kingdom
  • The Present Kingdom
  • The Professing Kingdom
  • The Permanent Kingdom
  • The Perfect Kingdom

Text of Lesson to come...

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From the personal weblog of Anthony Foster @http://anthonyfoster.com/blog/