Discipleship 101


Live In the Word Leader agenda pt. 1


00: Intro: are you having any problems with the assignment?

How is your prayer time going? Quiet time?


:05 Ready to sign your Covenant?


:10 Live in the Word- How did the studies this week, Days 1-3  help you or challenge you What are the first two reasons for having a quiet time?


1. “The way to have Christ living in you is to have His Word in you”.  What does this mean? Is this exhaustively true? What does it mean that Christ indwells you?(21)


2. What is the WORD?


3. Sin will  keep you from the word or the word will keep you from SIN. Explain.


4. Timothy is told by Paul in 2 Timothy to “Guard the treasure”. How do we appropriate the riches that are ours by priviledge because they have been bestowed by Christ?


5. Psalm 138:2 says “You have exalted your Word above your Name”. Think about this this week. We will discuss it next week.


6. What is “the more sure Word?”


7. What does it mean to “Fellowship with God”?


XX8.Playing devils advocate-  In the Old Testament, the Urim and Thummim werre used to divine the will of God. How is the scenario on pages 39-40 any different than this?


9.What are your favorite verses on the Word of God?


10. Theology is the study of God. Biblical theology is studying god through His revealed word. How might basic Biblical theology help you in your relationship with God? what are some of the attributes of God as revealed in the Word?


11. How important is it to listen to God before talking to Him? How do we listen to God?


12. Do you ever try to picture God in your mind? what do you see?


13. Do you think you can really get to know God in a deeply personal way? Or is He too transcendent?


:45 John 8:31-32, Disciple’s cross.


:50 Personal Prayer requests for this week- take notes and pray.


:55 Prayer time.