Master Life Session 3 (Week one, days 4 and 5) Leader agenda


:00 Intro.


:05 Discipleship covenant.

What is a covenant?  It is a contract between at least two parties. The  most common covenant today is a marriage. sign and witness...


:10  Inventory discussion. Do you feel the score accurately reflects your life of discipleshp? What are other factors that should be taken into account?

Meditation in the midst, ministry with whole life. Is is works centered? emphasise giving proprtionately of every aspect of your life.And the more abundantly the more proportion. I Cor 16.


:20  Group prayer time- specific prayer requests, short prayers. related to daily quiet time. this is not a full length prayer meeting.


Prayer partners- open this up to include spouses.


Daily quiet time- how is it going?


Does anyone have a history with this what works for you?


:30  Spend time with the master


1. What does it take to have a significant life?


2. Learning obedience- What does it take to obey Christ’s commands? Learning and doing them.


3. On page 26 there are some hard sayings- what would you do if christ commanded you to do these?


4. As weak as we are, how can we do these?  I can do all things...Philippians 2:13 Christ provides the willingness and the power.


5. Can anyone tell me - What is a disciple? we didn’t really answer that yet. Write on board.


:45  Assignments


Page 138- encourage to use- be specific. Make copies- you have permission.You do not have to fill all lines.

Add lost people to your list. Date answers when they come.


:50  Disciples Cross presentation. Say John 15:5 pair up., check off on the My walk with the Master. You will add material each week in building up to presenting it yourself.


:55 Next week Day 1-2-3 of Live in the Word, Discussing quiet time. this will help you grow closer to Christ by memorizing scripture and having a daily quiet time.