Diagnostic Questions for Disciples


The following questions are for the sake of meditation and discussion...

1. What do you value most in a relationship? Does that apply to your relationship with GOD?


2. What keeps you from spending time with God? Can you say you have ever “tasted and seen that He is good”?


3. What is the difference in true and false guilt? Have you experienced either recently?


4. Has there been a time this week when God touched your heart? A time when you touched God’s heart?


5. If you were to wake up tomorrow and immediately be able to display one kind of spiritual fruit, what would that be? Have you asked God to do that through you? Should you?


6. Are there people you envy enough that you would like to exchange lives with them?


7. If you knew Christ would return next week, what would you do?


8. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? How did you accomplish it?


9. When were you last in a fight? Were you abiding at the time?


10. Do you have any specific long term goals? Do you ever desire holiness?


11. Has your life ever been changed drastically by some seemingly random influence?


12. Where would you place yourself if you could choose to be anywhere on a scale from 1-10 with 1 being a life of hardship, struggle and accomplishment, and 10 being a life of ease, comfort and pleasure but no accomplishment?


13. If 100 people were chosen at random, how many of them would you think  you’d find living a more satisfying life than you?


14. Do you find it so hard to say “no”  that you regularly do things that you don’t want to do?  Is that bad or good?


15. Do you feel you have had much impact on people you come in contact with? How would you know?


16. Have you ever made a major decision, changed jobs or locations for purely financial reasons?


17. Would you be willing to do something that is very unsatisfying for a number of years if you were certain the experience would inevitably bring you a deep sense of personal fulfilment for the rest of your life?


18. Do you ever try to picture God in your mind? What do you see?


19.What does it take to give your life significance?


20. Do you think you can really get to know God in a deeply personal way? Or is he too transcendent?


21. What does it mean in practical terms that Christ indwells you?


22. What is more important -what we know about God or how we feel about Him? Is there a difference in knowing God and knowing about God?


23. It sounds very spiritual to “seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness?” How do you do that in practical terms?


24. Is it possible to be too spiritual?


25. How do YOU find the balance between reverence and intimacy with God?