AD HOMINEM ("toward the man"; attacking the person)

    AD POPULUM (suggests popular opinion alone is an adequate source of validity)

    APPEAL TO TRADITION (suggests tradition alone is an adequate source of validity)

    BEGGING THE QUESTION (The initial point, upon which the next points are based, has not been proven.)

    FALSE ANALOGY (a false comparative relationship)

    FALSE EMOTIONAL APPEALS (faulty play on emotions)

    FALSE USE OF AUTHORITY (false use of expertise or celebrity)

    FALSE DILEMMA (limiting to "either-or")

    HASTY GENERALIZATION (generalizing without sufficient grounds)

    NON SEQUITUR (means "it does not follow"; the followup statement does not logically develop from the initial statement)

    POST HOC…DOUBTFUL CAUSE (Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc: "after this, therefore because of this")

    SLIPPERY SLOPE (also known as the "Domino Theory")

    STRAW MAN (attack on an easy target instead of the not difficult one under scrutiny)

    TWO wrongs MAKE A RIGHT





































































    Practice Identifying

    Logical Fallacies

    in Action!

    (Lab based version)

    Refer to the List of Fallacies on the left menu if necessary.

    You must have the Quicktime plug-in to view the videos.

    1. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. False Dilemma
    b. Straw Man
    c. Slippery slope
    2. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. appeal to tradition
    b. two wrongs don't make a right
    c. false emotional appeal
    3. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. ad hominem (attacking the person)
    b. hasty generalization
    c. post hoc..(doubtful cause)
    4. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. false use of authority
    b. hasty generalization
    c. begging the question
    5. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. ad populum (popular opinion)
    b. false analogy
    c. ad hominem (attacking the person)
    6. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. false use of authority
    b. non sequitur (it does not follow)
    c. straw man
    7. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. slippery slope
    b. false dilemma (either-or)
    c. appeal to tradition
    8. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. non sequitur
    b. post hoc... (doubtful cause)
    c. false analogy
    9. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. false emotional appeal
    b. begging the question
    c. ad populum
    10. View skit demonstrating a fallacy:
    This is an example of which type of fallacy?
    a. straw man
    b. non sequitur (it does not follow)
    c. two wrongs make a right
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