What the Chef has been up to: 1998
Per a request for what I accomplished this year, here's a rundown of
my activities. Please note that the preparation time for each class,
incluing copying handouts, writing and producing new handouts and priesentations
is not reflected here.
Attendance has been dropping each time I offer the Multimedia certification
training- I may need to rethink what will be offered next year. Will
try different times as well. Offering each session twice in the semester
help accommodate schedules.
Situation: Summative evaluation of training opportunities offered
in 1997-98 implied a need for a coherent certificated approach to training.
Task: Analyze current offerings and current faculty /staff needs.
Determine Gap, determine cause, select and justify intervention.
Action: Based on Summative evaluation of previous training programs
and interviews withy department heads to determine work environmental
demands, a four pronged solution was devised to address the varying
needs of the college employees.
A10 session program of stand up training, online cue cards and tutorials
was devised to provide a blended solution to certification training.
Participation was by application and release time was provided as compensation.
A series of project based training sessions were designed and implemented
for webpage creation. Sessions were divided between ionstuctional usage
and another series to address productivity needs.
A fourth series of sessions was designed and implemented for the smart
classroom environment.
Multimedia Certification projects completed (10 sessions)
Jim Mense
Sherry Stafford
Larry Skinner
Mary Louise Hawkins
Carol Brandon
Friday Forum html pages completed
Gwen Fouche
Ken Boyer
Bob Murphy
Ank Ankebrand
HTML training and websites completed (3 sessions)
Diane Nikonowitz
Therese Foley
Karuna Shah
Sherry Stafford
Jay Van Reed
Eilene Lyons
John Stier (2 sessions only)
English Faculty training for the Electronic Classroom/Instructional
Design completed (3 sessions)
Larry Skinner
Nancy Adams
Regina Popper
Ken Boyer
Mary Lauburg
Jack Selbert
Martha Senior
Tom Flynn
Emily Liebman
Sharon Harris
ALSO- set up web directories and trained them on ftp/quick html
Situation 2: I am charged to provide ongoing instructional design
help to faculty who are seeking to enhance their classroom pedagogies
and implement web based or offline solutions to instructional tasks.
Task: interview clients and consult with them to determine real
needs versus percieved needs. Apply instructional design principles
and techniques for analysis of situation, audience, and client needs.
Aid in design and production of learner centered solutions. Help devise
evaluation parameters to determine success of intervention.
Development of online classes and departmental sites -ongoing and varied
solutions were offered.
1. ID produced solutions for faculty who had limited skillset:
2. Individualized training for faculty who wanted to keep ownership
and gain skills to enable their own development of materials:
3. Topical and informal Brown bag series of demonstrations offered
for anyone who wanted to drop in at lunchtime in library
1. ID produced solutions for faculty who had limited skillset:
Bob Murphy-PSC-205 completed website and the class didnt make
Eilene Lyons- B-101 course archive created
Ken Boyer- Eng 102 completed his site week by week - it has 25+ pages
Media services Site- completed the handbook and it is ready to go online
2. Individualized training for faculty who wanted to keep ownership
and gain skills to enable their own development of materials:
Photoshop and scanning training- ongoing
Bruce Stinchcomb
Chaya Gopalan
Regina Popper
3. The following werebrown basg sessions offered on a drop in basis-
no documentation of participants...(averaged 5 people each session...)
Web management techniques
Copyright Issues
Scanners and Digital Camera-(twice)
Using Office 97 for quick HTML.
Here is a rundown of projects -Assisted individuals on the following
-in most cases I did all the production work:
Ank Ankenbrand- Scanning for booklet
District Access Presentation and overheads production
Suelaine Mathews- Maureen Ottenlips, Claudia Felsen-three campuses
Dietetic Technology board presentation-Sue Appelbaum
SI presentation-Gwen Nixon
Arlene Chapman-Theatre presentation and graphics production/scanning
Jack Ballinger -ISW presentation
Sue Appelbaum- ISW presentation
Jack Ballinger- Continued revision of Chem Tech CD
Tom Flynn- animation in Powerpoint
Diane Savoca- PDR presentation and overheads production
Be Halloran- Setup of new Macs in Communications- file transfer
Barb Tebbetts- Setup of SAM, cleanup of two macs
Mary Louis Hawkins- Grants home pages
Gwen Fouche- graphics
Tom Flynn- tutoring on animation in Powerpoint
Ballinger- presentation rework
Chaya Gopalan- setup of scanner, train on Photoshop
Steve Ehlen- Website for Engineering - almost complete
Bruce Stinchcomb- image editing on 50+ images for his webpages
Marge Bagwell- reading labs training
Howard Rosenthal- scanning and image editing
Sue Appelbaum- homepage
WEBBOARD testing
Laserwriter calibration for department
Scanning slides for Kim Mosley students
Larry Skinner- help with image editing and Powerpoint animation.
Regina Popper - web pages for English classes, scanning, help with html
Began Nautilus image processing- did not finish- half way done.
Graphics- Barb and Michelle- connected my Mac to both their machines
via Appletalk sharing so I can solve problems for them via the phone
and network. Loaded new printer files. Overhauled their macs
CTL- wrote three Catalyst articles
Did graphics for 2 video productions
Ongoing troubleshooting /support for all the above projects and training
The following also attended my training sessions last semester:
Design Techniques
Tim Croskey
Mary Caldwell
Sue Appelbaum
Karen Kalinevitch
Mary Tier
Imaging Techniques w Photoshop- 2 sessions
Sherry Stafford
Susan Lagunoff
Eilene Lyons
Regina Popper
Karen Ratliff
Emily Liebman
Larry Skinner
Jim Mense
Veronica Howell
Regina Popper
Cindy Green
Web Design
Joe Karnowski
Carol Clark
George Heth
Nora Wang
Jim Mense
Harry Berndt
Nancy Adams
Sue Matthews
Harold Moore
WAC- New media
Tips for the Writing Teacher- one session
Eight WAC faculty attended this session covering tips on how to use
Eudora in class, catching student plagiarism, bookmark distribution
and potential writing projects using electronic classroom.
Staff Development DAY training- Using a Scanner 20 attendees
Design Essentials- two sessions
Catherine Reilly
Ken Smith
Rosemary Smith
Using a Scanner two sessions
Catherine Reilly
Sharon Pemberton
Pat Curia
Ken Smith
Eilene Lyons
Linda Raguse
Rosemary Smith
Roger Bickel
Randall Binks
Using Graphics
Catherine Reilly
Sharon Pemberton
Ken Smith
Rosemary Smith
Roger Bickel
Randall Binks
Image Processing
Ken Smith
Sharon Pemberton
Roger Bickel
Rosemary Smith
SERF/Staff Training
I did initial testing of site and recommended it as good training for
our staff. Worked with Carol Clark to implement training sessions, which
were not well attended. Researched training on Media 100 for Mary.
Situation 3: Charged with the objective to design, develop and
implement a multimedia authoring series of training for10 faculty with
existing basic production skills.
Task: Design and develop situated learning tasks and design
and develop training materials geared to the use of Multimedia in the
classroom. Provide hands on training to pastticipants and mentor participants
Action: Designed and developed the training for Authorware in
fourteen hands on sessions with outside mentoring. Procured funding
for and created training environment. Scheduled sessions based on participant
schedules.Provided Instructional design guidance and production help
where needed.
Multimedia Authoring with Authorware - Sixteen weeks, fourteen sessions
Participants: seven people committed to the training.
Results: Three participants finished the required project in the alloted
Nancy Adams
Sharon Harris
George Heth
Four others required ongoing help and tutoring but finsished their
James Mense
Larry Skinner
Ken Boyer
Kim Mosley
A major initiative in creating the training- I completed five labs,
1 structured project in Authorware with solution for each to work. 5
Self quizes, dozens of handouts. Will reuse next semester. Built models
and graphical interfaces for class as well. Time intensive as I provide
ongoing support for their projects.
Situation: charged with task of keeping up with new developments
in Instructional Technologies and disseminate information to campus
Task: research local and non local training opportunities, attend
training sessions, disseminate information.
Action: Joined local Macromedia Users group and researched local
opportunities for professional devlopement first. Attended league for
Innovation in the Community Colleges CIT conference. Completed the following
trining sessions locally:
Attended authorized Adobe After Effects training here in st. Louis
Attended regular Macromedia Users Group meetings
Attended several seminars at Image Soup and Telecommunity Center
Attended Assymetrix seminar
Began Sonic Solutions Training- the instructor dropped the software
Learned new versions of Authorware, Photoshop, Toast
Results: I was able to expand my skillset in video editing,
authoring and image manipulation. this was aided by instant appication
to existing and ongoing design projects. I was able to also develop
my vision for application of these tools and set goals for next year:
Learn a 3D modelling/aniumation program
Learn more about secure testing and CGI for the web
Learn Sound editing software
Learn more on Media 100
Take some faculty to League of Innovation to show their work
Tracking with the Magic Chef